Noche de Halloween. Hay una fiesta de disfraces en la casa del señor Green.
He has decorated all the house with bats, spiders and mummies. He has spent a whole month looking for a beautiful pumpkin, which would be a surprise for his girlfriend, Mrs Peacock.
Ha decorado toda la casa con murciélagos, arañas y momias. Ha pasado todo el mes buscando una preciosa calabaza, que sería una sorpresa para su novia, la señorita Peacock.
At midnight, he takes all the guests to the living room and he opens the curtains that hide the pumpkin…
A medianoche, lleva a los invitados al salón y abre la cortina que esconde la calabaza....
However, the pumpkin isn’t behind the curtains. What they see there is…
Sin embargo, la calabaza no está detrás de ellas. Lo que allí ven es...

A delicious pumpkin pie! Mr Green is horrified. Who can have done this?
¡Una deliciosa calabaza! El señor Green está horrorizado. ¿Quién puede haber hecho eso?
He looks around at his guests: Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mrs Peacock, Professor Plum and his maid, Mrs White.
Echa un vistazo a sus invitados: la señorita Scarlet, el coronel Mustard, la señorita Peacock, el profesor Plum y la criada, la señorita White.
After tasting the pie, he phones the police. A tall policeman goes to the house and asks questions to the suspects.
Tras probar la tarta, llama a la policía. Un policía alto va a la casa y hace unas preguntas a los sospechosos.
¿Quién hizo una tarta con la calabaza?
Escribe el informe policial sobre lo que dijeron los sospechosos y deja un comentario diciendo quién crees que es el culpable.

I arrived at Mr Green’s house at midnight. He opened the curtains at the same time I entered the house. I never saw the pumpkin.

I don’t like pumpkins. I don’t like cooking. I did not carved the pumpkin.

I spent all the day at Mr Green’s house helping him but I did not see the pumpkin.

I drank a lot. I went to the toilet upstairs. I never saw the pumpkin.

I cleaned the house in the afternoon. I saw the pumpkin behind the curtains. I didn’t touch it. I cooked some pumpkin pies but not with this pumpkin.
Aquí tienes el informe de uno de los sospechosos para que te sirva de ejemplo:
Colonel Mustard said that he didn’t like pumpkins, that he didn’t like cooking and that he had not carved the pumpkin.
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